Dear Awesome Lady,
There’s so much new coming to Fit Chicks! next month and through the New Year that we can barely get it in one note to you. Here are the highlights:
- TRX – enough said!
- We’re incorporating a Precor Stretch Trainer machine into selective weight training routines
- Stretching Mat with roller and instructions for hip, back, and neck
- New weight training routine – “We’ve Got Your Back”
- Another NEW weight training routine – “Drop It Like It’s HOT”
- New Nutrition Station (in studio) – easy access to healthy, easy recipes and samples
- Photoshoot with a professional (says “cheese”)
- Food-in-a-Jar Party -and- You’re Invited
- Nutrition Seminar – November 11
- Revamped Nutrition Program Website resources
- (Free) How To Stop Overeating Class and Guidebook
- Schedule One-on-One Nutrition Consultations through the Fit Chicks! APP
- Fit Chicks! APP gets an upgrade
- Super Sunday – Nov 11
- Super Sunday Surprise – December 10 and 17 (TWO makeup sessions before the holidays!)
- Metabolism Testing (if you’re having trouble losing weight)
- Kay and Kami are with us!
- Jenn Rogers is growing the community
- Amy Youngs joins the team as an awesome trainer
- …a couple more surprises, too
Are you with us? Are you a Fit Chicks!?
Healthy and happy for a lifetime, together – Jenn, Kay, Amy, Kami, and Roz
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